Neck Lift

Neck Lift

A neck contouring surgery can help patients of any age achieve the naturally beautiful neckline they desire. A neck lift removes excess skin and fat from the neck to address mostly age-related skin laxity, wrinkling and creasing in this area, providing a smoother, slimmer jawline and profile. The procedure is always specifically tailored to a patient’s needs.
Excess fat in the lower face or under the chin, loose neck skin, or muscle banding may cause excess wrinkling, a double chin or “turkey wattle,” and jowl lines. A neck lift tightens those tissues and muscles for a rejuvenated appearance.
  • Reduces or eliminates a “turkey neck” by removing excess, sagging skin
  • Smoothes wrinkles & creases
  • Improves the appearance of neck bands
  • Results are long-lasting
  • Can be combined with a facelift for other facial procedures
    The recovery time is typically between two to three weeks.

Concerned About Cost?

Talk to us about financing options, savings plans, and ways you can manage cosmetic expenses.


Call (505) 913 4360 or use the form below. Discuss your goals in-depth, get all your questions answered, and learn if you are a good candidate for specific products and procedures during your no-cost consultation.

We will call you during business hours to schedule a convenient date and time.


Neck Lift Before + After Photos

Botox is $12.00 a unit and for anything over 25 units you will receive a $50.00 discount.
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